Welcome to Kruger.Club
I'm Shaun Kruger, a professional nerd, pilot, and father. I build things sometimes and like any good nerd I have a large graveyard of defunct projects on my Github page.
The internet needs to be weird again and this is my contribution to exploring outside the lines drawn by the major platforms. I have some rough plans for building some interactive elements so it will be interesting to see what I manage to do. The code for this site is available on Github and any apps I build into it will be open source once I pick the right license.
There are a number of projects that are still currently active. I built a software as a service called TrackHobbs which allows flight schools and aircraft partnerships manage their aircraft. TrackHobbs started out when I was in an airplane partnership that needed a system for billing its members, I then added features for scheduling, maintenance tracking, and billing for flight training use cases. I have another site where I post my theological thoughts which are just out of alignment with official creeds and popular spirituality to sound good to some and make others think of me as a heretic.